Oranfresh Fresh fruit juice vending machines since 1987

Healthy revolution: food & beverage trends and business opportunities

A natural, healthy, flexible nutrition which is also cautious and sensitive of people’s health and the planet’s future. Healthy food is transforming consumer habits around the world. Therefore, for companies in the food and beverage industry, this represents a major market opportunity.

Nutrition is a choice that has huge influence on our (and the planet’s) health. Such acknowledgement is radically changing consumer habits worldwide. We are facing a healthy revolution with trends that are strongly pushing people towards health, wellness and sustainability.

What are worldwide facts about healthy trends?

First of all, healthy nutrition choices increase people’s life quality and well-being. This is a fact and not only a common thought. Numerous studies and research reports have proven that eating fruit and vegetables provide both mental and physical benefits. In light of issues deriving from climate change and the recent pandemic, well-being has nowadays become a priority. Much of the planet’s health depends on our nutrition and what we eat.

Health and sustainability, as pillars of healthy food, are trends that characterize the entire food and beverage industry worldwide.

In the USA, healthy leads to buying

More than half of the US population is careful and sensitive on healthy products. Healthy has become the main reason why people purchase a certain product, even more than price and taste. According to a research carried out by Forbes, such trend has substantially grown during the pandemic. Many Americans choose to buy products that will strengthen their immune system. This is why the consumption of food and beverages containing Vitamin C is predicted to grow. 

Italians choose more fruit and vegetables

In Italy, habits and nutritional trends are switching towards the consumption of Veggie and vegetarian products, considered naturally healthy. Such trend, which is growing consistently, has exploited during and after the pandemic: Just Eat’s observatory has revealed that veggie menu’s has increased of 67%. Also the composition of grocery shopping has changed. According to a research carried out by Tiendeo.it, Healthy food is a trend that reflects everyday choices. In the last years, a new type of consumer has emerged: one that is very careful of sustainability and brand values and that tends to prefer local and bio packed products. Another interesting fact is the huge increase in fruits, vegetables and vegan products. Fruit and vegetables have always been the most chosen products among Italians but such trend has increased more than 59% in the past three years. Among fruit consumption, apples have increased of 23% and oranges of 4%.

Source: Davidson – The Future of Healthy Food


Australia is the leader of the Healthy Revolution

Australia is probably the country in which the revolution of well-being has a much more important role. According to the report “The Future of Healthy Food” by Davidson, 89% of Australian’s desire a healthier diet, 73% state that social and environmental attitudes or habits of a brand are much more important (in terms of purchasing behaviors) and 53% of Australians would pay more in order to buy healthy products. Principles and values that guide consumers’ nutritional behaviors are:

  • Freshness and natural perceptions. Natural or Bio products are perceived as healthier;
  • Searching flexibility. Food and beverages that meet different nutritional diets – vegetarian, vegan, sugar free, lactose free – are rewarded;
  • Self care. Many foods are considered as medicinal, for example due to their anti-oxidant benefits or because they are capable of strengthening the immune system;
  • Environmental sustainability. The way in which foods are produced and packaged as well as the effort of corporations towards the Environment are more than ever under the consumer’s attention.

Healthy Food represents an enormous business opportunity: the CSIRO (Australia’s national scientific agency) foresees an annual growth of 3,6% of the business and a total turnover of 25 billion dollars within 2030.

How companies react to the healthy revolution

Companies in the food and beverage industry take advantage of the business opportunity provided by healthy food in different ways. Widening the supply by introducing healthier and more natural products is definitely the most common decision. However, such products and their characteristics need to be valued. If we consider consumers much more careful and sensitive – research study by Frost & Sullivan in the USA estimates that 75% of consumers reads food labels –, product healthy features must be labeled in the packaging. This is why pay offs such as “100% natural”, “Zero added chemicals” or “Zero OGM” are increasing enormously. Packaging composition plays also a key factor. Recycled material, totally recycled packages and plastic free alternative solutions are more and more appreciated.

The Healthy Food opportunity

Healthy food is no longer just a specific or particular sector, but a large piece of market in constant growth. It is an industry that constantly creates new opportunities since needs expressed by consumers are continuously evolving: becoming more specific and diverse. In order to satisfy such needs, it is fundamental to offer a product that is in line with all consumer needs. Nature, health and sustainability are necessary elements for a successful product within the healthy revolution.

Oranfresh vending machines are designed and built in order to respect such needs. They offer a totally fresh and natural product – orange and apple juice -, ready in just a few seconds directly squeezed from fresh fruit. Thanks to its patented squeezing system, the juice is 100% pure, lacking of any external agents or any bitter peel oils which makes the juice totally genuine with no need of added sugars or sweeteners. The entire process is thought to reduce wastes. Cups and refillable bottles (in the case of the fill up machine) are biodegradable, in line with sustainable and flexible needs.

Source: Foodweb.it, Sorim.it, Robeco.com, Foodserviceweb.it, Nature.com, Forbes.com, MSNBC.com